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Tavern Tycoon Is Here!

The long awaited Tavern Tycoon is available on Steam Early Access! Click here to visit the online store. Also, the launch sale end Feb 7th, so grab it before the sale ends if you are planning to get one. Finally, I would like to expend my gratitude for all those supported me throughout the development. It's been a bumpy ride, but it was worth it in the end. Peace!

Tavern Tycoon Developer log #5

With Tavern Tycoon nearing release (ETA is January, but this date is tentative as always) I figured I'd share more about the game, specifically about the humor part of the game. Humor in Tavern Tycoon is definitely one of the game's core components. I honestly didn't think that adding humor to a video game would be rocket science, but after trying for few weeks, I have to admit - humor is hard.For example check out the following example of my…

D.U.S.T. Dev. Branch Begins

The current D.U.S.T. is at 0.2.X cycle and is in need of major overhaul in practically ALL areas. I've been working and been away (due to health issues) but have found it hard to deliver a full patch. Since then, I've devised a plan that will work; compartmentalizing small sections of the game and releasing it - hence the dev branch. We will be working on the dev branch and updating it often and when it is ready to be…

Terabench alpha 0.3 release.

For those of you who are not familiar with Terabench, it is a simple bench-marking software (free to use but at your own risk) that I wrote to measure PC gaming performance. During the development of D.U.S.T. i felt the need to measure the GPU's performance without the arbitrary points system like most other bench-marking software provide. It focuses on measuring the GPU's triangle rendering capabilities with the parameters of 60 Frames per second and 1080p resolution.The new alpha 0.3…