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Tavern Tycoon Developer log #4

So, from the looks of it, the last developer log for Tavern Tycoon was posted September 2014 - about two whole years ago. I actually can't believe that this project got sided for this long. Nevertheless, let's get down to business!

Isometric view and zone construction

ttdevlog4_01Perspective camera was my first choice during prototyping, but mid-production stage, I realized that there were aspects of this camera choice that impacted gameplay in a negative way. Near edge objects were hard to distinguish visually and less screen space was getting rendered at once - effectively narrowing player vision and control. They were subtle, but were becoming more and more noticeable as more content was added. At this point, I had to make a choice to turn to the good old isometric view.

By the time I started adding room building and item placement, I was really glad that I made the switch. Honestly, the zoning system (dragging to select a rectangular area) would not have worked well with a perspective view. In retrospect, the switch was inevitable.

And yes that dude is throwing up on the screenshot 😀